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Preventing and ending youth homelessness in America

preventing and ending youth homelessness report: group of diverse youth smiling at camera
Courtesy of the Annie E. Casey Foundation


The Annie E. Casey Foundation


“Not all young people have the benefit of growing up in a safe and stable home. In fact: Across America, 1 in 30 youth between the ages of 13 to 24 and 1 in 10 young adults between the ages of 18 to 25 will experience homelessness over the course of a year. This scenario — which occurs during an important developmental period — can inject trauma into a young person’s life, limit their growth and carry costly community consequences.

In recognition of these challenges, the Annie E. Casey Foundation is joining partners in the field, such as Funders Together to End Homelessness, to ensure that young people have safe, stable housing access to meaningful educational and economic opportunities.

This brief, released by the Foundation, shares facts about youth homelessness in America. It also reviews the nation’s current response to youth homelessness, the risks that young people face when homeless, and what leaders can be doing to prevent and end housing instability among young people today.”
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The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a funder of Youth Today. See our editorial independence policy.

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