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Early intervention and treatment for children with serious emotional disturbances research grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child Health, Emotional Health, Mental Health, SED, Research
Apr. 15, 2023

“The John and Polly Sparks Early Career Grant supports early career psychologists conducting research in the area of early intervention and treatment for serious emotional disturbance in children.

The John and Polly Sparks Foundation partnered with APF to empower early career psychologists to produce scientifically-based research and programs that could provide models for broad-based applications across the country.

Proposals will be evaluated on:
• Conformance with stated program goals and qualifications.
• Quality and impact of proposed work.
• Innovation and contribution to the field with proposed project.
• Applicant’s demonstrated competence and capability to execute the proposed work.”

Funder: American Psychological Foundation (APF) and The John and Polly Sparks Foundation 
“Applicants must be an early career psychologist (no more than 10 years post‐doctoral with a degree from an accredited university).”
Amount: Up to $22,000

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