OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child/Youth Welfare, Child/Youth Safety, Maternity, Teen Parents, Youth Services
Deadline: June 27, 2022
“The Maternity Group Home (MGH) program provides safe, stable, and appropriate shelter only for pregnant and/or parenting youth ages 16 to under 22 and their dependent child(ren) for 18 months and, under extenuating circumstances, up to 21 months. Service providers must accommodate for the needs and safety of the dependent children to include facility safety standards for infants and children on the premises. MGH services include, but are not limited to, parenting skills, child development, family budgeting, and health and nutrition education, in addition to the required services provided under the Transitional Living Program to help MGH youth realize improvements in four core outcome areas. The MGH combination of shelter and services is designed to promote long-term, economic independence to ensure the well-being of the youth and their child(ren).”
Funder: Administration for Children & Families
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, private institutions of higher education, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, city or township governments, county governments, state governments, special district governments, independent school districts, Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), Native American tribal governments (federally recognized), others.
Amount: $100,000 – $250,000
Contact: Link.
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