OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child Health, Healthcare Access, Pediatrics, Telehealth, Behavioral Health
Deadline: Apr. 5, 2022
“The purpose of this program is to promote behavioral health integration into pediatric primary care by supporting pediatric mental health care telehealth access programs. State or regional networks of pediatric mental health care teams will provide tele-consultation, training, technical assistance, and care coordination support for pediatric primary care providers (PCPs) to diagnose, treat, and refer children with behavioral health conditions. Successful recipients will focus on achieving health equity related to racial, ethnic, and geographic disparities in access to care, especially in rural and other underserved areas. PMHCA advances HRSA strategic plan goals to improve access to quality health services, foster a health care workforce able to address current and emerging needs, achieve health equity, and enhance population health.”
Funder: Health Resources and Services Administration
Eligibility: “States, political subdivisions of states, and Indian Tribes and tribal organizations (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. § 450b)) that are not currently funded under HRSA-18-122, HRSA-19-096, and HRSA-21-122 are eligible to apply (i.e., existing recipients of HRSA PMHCA awards or other entities within funded states are not eligible to apply). Please note that Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations in states with existing awards are eligible to apply separately; however, other eligible applicants that are currently receiving HRSA PMHCA awards are not eligible to apply.”
Amount: Unspecified
Contact: Link.
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