OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child/Youth Health, Physical Activity, OST, Youth Sports, Low-Income Youth
Deadline: Feb. 15, 2020 | June 15, 2020
“This funding opportunity will support organizations to provide quality, structured physical activity in out-of-school time settings (including before school, after school and summer programs) to children and youth ages 4 to 18 through safe and affordable programs. We will consider proposals for up to two years of funding. Proposed projects must reflect the Foundation’s cornerstones, as our work is grounded in serving Coloradans who have low income and historically have had less power or privilege, putting the creation of health equity at the center of everything we do, and being informed by the community and those we exist to serve.
Programs must:
- Primarily serve children and youth where opportunities for physical activity may be absent or harder to access. Preference will be given to programs in rural communities.
- Primarily serve children and youth living on low income; we will consider percentages of children eligible for free and reduced lunch (FRL) that are served by the program, average family income of participants or other indicators your organization may use to determine need.
- Primarily serve children and youth ages 4 to 14. We will consider programs that serve youth up to 18 years of age.
- Engage participants in a total of at least 90 minutes of structured physical activity per week, for no less than two days per week, for a minimum of six weeks. Children must be engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) a minimum of 50% of the structured physical activity time.
- Ensure physical activity is structured (organized or guided activity led or facilitated by a program staff person, qualified volunteer or qualified partner organization). A curriculum is welcomed but not required. If an organization is not using a curriculum, a practical plan or outline must be submitted demonstrating how the organization will ensure engagement in high quality, structured physical activity (not free time on playground or in the gym).
- Implement activities that are relevant and appropriate for the needs and interests of the children and youth served, including cultural and linguistic responsiveness. Youth engagement processes, community needs assessments, satisfaction surveys, existing participation data or similar methods will be used to assess demonstrated interest and demand for the activities.
- Demonstrate strong relationships and experience working within the community or communities served.
- Demonstrate sufficient organization and staff capacity and training to effectively implement and sustain the proposed activities.
- Have an effective method to track the amount of time dedicated to structured physical activity and the number of children engaging in those activities on a consistent basis.”
Funder: Colorado Health Foundation
Eligibility: “Generally, we make grants to the following types of organizations: [1] Colorado organizations classified as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3), and [2] Colorado public agencies, including state and local governments. Organizations eligible to apply include those that:
- Currently operate an established out-of-school-time program (before school, after school or summer program) with a structured physical activity component for children and youth ages 4 to 18. In this case, funds may be requested to maintain or enhance existing structured physical activity components.
- Currently operate an established out-of-school-time program (before school, after school or summer program) but do not have a structured physical activity component. Funds may be requested to incorporate structured physical activity as a new component of an existing out-of-school time program for children and youth ages 4 to 18.
- Are starting up a new out-of-school-time program in a rural or frontier county (contact the program officer about eligibility) where few or no out-of-school-time programs exist. Funds may be requested for startup or pilot phase programs. Such programs must include a structured physical activity component for children and youth ages 4 to 18.”
Amount: Unspecified
Contact: Link.
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