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Disadvantaged Community Child Welfare Program Grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, regional, state and federal grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child/Youth Health, Child/Youth Welfare, Health, Minority Youth, Community
Deadline: Mar. 6, 2020

“The Office of Minority Health (OMH) is offering a funding opportunity to assess the effectiveness of interventions targeted community-wide in order to prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in racial/ethnic minority and disadvantaged populations. Funding will be used to implement and evaluate prevention approaches that expand or improve upon evidence-based interventions or promising research evidence. OMH will fund awards annually for a project period of up to 2 years. A limited competition among grant recipients making satisfactory progress will be considered for a third year of funding. This funding opportunity builds upon lessons learned from other interventions targeted specifically toward individual youth who have experienced trauma and aligns with an enhanced Departmental focus on primary prevention of ACEs.”

Funder: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
Eligibility: “All except individuals, for profit organizations other than small business and small businesses. Addition Eligibility: Private non-profit institutions of higher education; U.S. Territories.”
Amount: $300,000 – $450,000
Contact: Link.

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