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OR Education, Environmental Health and Housing Opportunities Grants

Subject: Education, Disadvantaged Youth/Students, Environment, Health, Housing
Deadline: May 15, 2019

Equitable Education: Through the Equitable Education portfolio, Meyer contributes to this vision by investing in strategies designed to eliminate the predictable gaps in the public K-12 system. We seek to balance our investments between the urgent needs of students today (direct service) and the system that must prepare itself to meet the needs of students tomorrow (policy- and systems-level change). This portfolio makes investments to both rural and urban grantees that offer, through an equity lens, a vision and approach to eliminating barriers disproportionately experienced…

Healthy Environment: Through the Healthy Environment portfolio, we work toward this in two ways: a Statewide Program that aims to build an inclusive environmental movement and engages and supports nonprofits working on a range of place-based and statewide efforts to protect and improve the environment, and the Willamette River Initiative, a 10-year commitment by Meyer to improve the health of the watershed that more than two-thirds of Oregonians call home.

Housing Opportunities: Meyer invites proposals that further our goals of opening doors to opportunity and strengthening communities through safe, affordable housing. When housing costs rise too high, households and families have to make brutally difficult choices between making the rent and paying for food, medicine, utilities, transportation and/or other basic necessities. A growing body of research shows that housing instability contributes directly to poor performance in school, difficulties getting and keeping a good job, and poor health outcomes… Meyer is proud to support a strong network of nonprofit partners across the state addressing these issues. Our Housing Opportunities portfolio’s core goals (listed below) address housing development and preservation, housing support services and sector strengthening. We will continue to use targeted strategies to explore innovation, support systems change and leverage resources to meet the housing needs of Oregonians facing the greatest housing instability.”

Funder: Meyer
Eligibility: Applicants must be: “A nonprofit agency recognized as tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service, a public educational institution, a government or recognized tribal agency, or an organization that is requesting funding for a project that has a charitable, tax-exempt purpose.” Funded work must take place in Oregon.
Amount: Unspecified
Contact: Link. 

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