Subject: Education, Afterschool, Summer Learning, OST
Deadline: Jan. 25, 2019
“The Aim High program is part of the New York Life Foundation’s ongoing investment in middle school OST programs to help economically disadvantaged eighth-graders reach ninth grade on time and prepared to succeed in high school. The grant program will fund afterschool, summer, and expanded learning programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, based on a competitive application process.
The goal of the Aim High grant program is to help middle school students successfully transition to high school by providing high quality out-of-school programs. Grants support OST programs led and staffed by knowledgeable and competent individuals who employ effective strategies that help ensure middle school students continue on to 9th grade and through to graduation day. All grant applications are expected to include clearly-stated goals and project outcomes. Applications must describe in a meaningful way how the applicant supports youth in the transition to the 9th grade. The project descriptions and funding requests should reflect the specific time span of the grant to which they are applying.”
Funder: The New York Life Foundation
Eligibility: “Afterschool, summer, and expanded learning programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Organizations applying for these competitive grants must be 501(c)(3) organizations. This competitive grant program is limited to those organizations that serve participants in middle school (grades 6, 7, and 8). Applicants for this grant program may serve students outside of this grade range but grant funds, if awarded, are for supporting middle school youth. Applicants for this grant program must serve a high percentage—at least 75 percent—of low income youth.”
Amount: $15,000, $50,000 or $100,000
Contact: Link.
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