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Colorado Community, Family and General Welfare Program Grants

Subject: Community, Family Support, Child/Youth Welfare, Disadvantaged Youth
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2019

“Anschutz Family Foundation’s mission is purposely broad, allowing it to support endeavors that strengthen families and communities and help individuals become productive and responsible citizens. The Foundation has a special interest in self-sufficiency, community development and programs aimed at the economically disadvantaged, the young, the elderly and the disabled. The Foundation is also dedicated to funding efforts in rural Colorado.”

Funder: The Anschutz Family Foundation
Eligibility: “Organization must be classified as one of the following: (1) A 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity, (2) Independent sponsored project of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit acting as a fiscal sponsor, (3) Government or tax-supported public entity. Activities or programs must take place in Colorado.”
Amount: Typically $5,000 – $10,000
Contact: Link. 

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