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Illinois Children’s Dental Care and Education Access Program Grants

Subject: Health, Healthcare Access, Health Education, Dental Care, Child Welfare
Deadline: Sept. 10, 2018

“Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation is the charitable arm of Delta Dental of Illinois. In the past 10+ years, combined efforts of both organizations have provided more than $3 million to programs and organizations in Illinois that improve the oral health of the residents of Illinois. Charitable contributions to the Foundation support our priorities that include: Access to Oral Health Care, Student Excellence, and Oral Health Education and Awareness.

Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation primarily focuses its grantmaking on programs and/or organizations targeting children that address many of the needs mentioned above. Our two key priority areas are: (1) Oral Health Education and Awareness (2) Access to Oral Health Care – specifically programs that also educate and inform.”

Funder: Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation
Eligibility: “Organizations receiving funding must: (1) Have physical presence in the state of Illinois and must benefit Illinois children; (2) Be a public charity classified as exempt from federal income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; or (3) Be a public or governmental entity such as a public school or health department.”
Amount: $1,000 – $10,000
Contact: Link. 

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