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Every Child to Flourish: Understanding Global Perspectives on Improving Education

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Author(s): HundrED

  • Jessica Spencer-Keyse
  • Frederika Warren
  • Jamie Galloway

Published: June 2018

Report Intro/Brief:
“For many children around the world today, the education they receive is insufficient and incompatible with the ‘real world’. While ways to improve education are continuously grappled with, there is a lack of research exploring the opinions held by the many stakeholders in K12 (4-18 years) education with regard to possible improvements. Although many approach this from a sole-stakeholder or thematic perspective, it was the focus of this research to understand both the breadth of perceived needs, and key concepts surrounding education improvement, from a global multi-stakeholder perspective. As young people are too often excluded from educational change, a core part of this exploration examines youth opinion. This research seeks to understand 1) the breadth of areas stakeholders perceive as a need for improvement. We term these ‘perceived needs’ 2) perceived needs from a youth perspective, as well as what they currently value in education. Additionally, a final motive of this research was to map the breadth of educational needs identified to guide research processes at HundrED, share findings relevant to all stakeholders in the wider education community and identify ways to get involved with HundrED and beyond.

The research was approached using a mixed methodology via two foci: a state of the debate review of both formal and informal sources (including interviews conducted by HundrED) and a Global Youth Survey. The review included the following education stakeholders: Systems level, School leaders and Educators, Thought leaders, Academics, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Employers, Parents/Carers, Youth, and General Population. In total, 322 responses to the survey were received from young people, aged 13-18 years, educated in nineteen countries. Data was analyzed quantitatively and thematically, to inform these findings. Findings gave rise to key themes and highlighted a wide scope of perceived needs for improvement across the breadth of education. The implications and considerations of the methodology, including future directions, are discussed in further detail throughout. Recommendations based on the findings suggest the importance of understanding and considering all areas of education, and are mapped out in this report. This is necessary when seeking to implement and reflect on education innovations to create the change necessary today. Collaboration should also include youth, embracing change from a Children’s Rights perspective and supporting Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Ultimately, inclusivity and collaboration between all stakeholders is necessary for effective change, otherwise key insights and needs risk being missed in the education ecosystem as it is developed.”


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