Today Floridians decided it was time for action and change. The unimaginable terror that the students and staff of Douglas High School endured has touched a nerve in all of us, and through the ever-persistent image of peace, where all children grow up to have their own children, we demand change.

Ivan Larson
The leadership shown by the students of Douglas High in this time of crisis has been inspiring to all other students at the capitol today. Seeing such a huge turnout of people from all generations, but especially teenagers, shows the future of our country is hopeful.

Polly McAuliffe
We will persevere through hardships together, and hand in hand, step by step, the people’s voices on the lawn will be made into law.

Ivan Larson

Polly McAuliffe

Emma Jo Mcauliffe
Emma Jo McAuliffe is a freshman at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida.
Polly McAuliffe is a teacher at Leon High School in Tallahassee, Florida.
Ivan Larson is an eighth grader at Cobb Middle School in Tallahassee, Florida.