
Inner-City Education and Community Development Program Grants

Subject: Education, Community Development, Disadvantaged Youth
Deadline: Ongoing

“The Brown Rudnick Charitable Foundation’s mission is to bring the energy and interests of Brown Rudnick volunteers together with opportunities and resources to create positive social change. To maximize its effect, the Foundation Directors chose to focus on inner-city education. The proposal must be to fund a specific, one-time future education-related need or idea which promises to improve inner-city education in one of the Foundation’s U.S. communities (Boston, Hartford, London, New York City, Providence or Washington, D.C.).

The purposes of the Community Grant Program are to simultaneously (1) encourage those involved broadly with the Brown Rudnick Center for the Public Interest to actively think about the educational needs in the communities of Boston, Hartford, London, New York City, Providence and Washington, D.C.; (2) recognize, encourage and collaborate with the front-line workers within the educational system who often do not have a voice in funding decisions; and (3) provide funding to assist with small, concrete projects or needs which will make an improvement in inner city education in Boston, Hartford, New York City, Providence and Washington, D.C. within a year of the grant award.”

Funder: The Brown Rudnick Charitable Foundation
Eligibility: “The proposed recipient must be a non-profit organization or tax-exempt organization (e.g. a public school) that is willing to accept the grant and use it in the required manner. The proposed use of the grant must be to fully fund a specific, one-time future education-related need or idea which promises to improve inner-city education within one year of the grant award in one of the cities eligible for Foundation grants. These cities are Boston, Hartford, London, New York City, Providence or Washington, D.C.”
Amount: Up to $2,000
Contact: Link. 

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