Author(s): Education Week
Published: Jan. 4, 2017
Report Intro/Brief:
“In addition to the special focus on the Every Student Succeeds Act, Quality Counts 2017 features the report’s hallmark report card on the state of education for the nation and states. This year, the Education Week Research Center issues overall summative grades, as well as scores in each of the three categories that comprise the report’s grading rubric: Chance-for-Success, School Finance, and K-12 Achievement. The nation receives an overall grade of C on its 2017 report card, with a score of 74.2 out of a possible 100 points, nearly identical to the 74.4 the nation posted a year ago. Massachusetts earns top marks this year with a score of 86.5 and a B. Consistently a strong performer, this is the third year in a row that the state has taken first place. Five other states also earn grades of B: New Jersey (85.6), Vermont (83.8), New Hampshire (83.4), Maryland (82.8), and Connecticut (82.7). At the other end of the spectrum, Nevada is at the bottom of the list as it was in 2016, receiving a D and a score of 65.0. Mississippi (65.8) and New Mexico (66.3) also receive grades of D. Grades and scores for those three states remain relatively unchanged from last year’s outcomes.”