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National Foster Youth Adoption Service and Care Program Grants

Subject: Youth Welfare, Foster Youth, Adoption
Deadline: June 16, 2017

“The purpose of this forecasted Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to establish, by awarding a cooperative agreement, a multi-faceted national AdoptUSKids project designed to assist States, Tribes, and Territories in the recruitment and retention of foster and adoptive parents for children in public foster care. The AdoptUSKids project will encompass the following components:

  1. National Adoption Internet Photolisting Service: Maintain and manage the National Adoption Internet Photolisting Website (; coordinate with all States, Tribes, and Territories for the listing of their eligible children/youth while incorporating best practices and quality improvement standards in photolisting;
  2. National Adoption Recruitment Campaign: Plan, develop, implement and evaluate the Children Bureau’s (CB) multimedia National Adoption Recruitment Campaign and a corresponding Recruitment Response Support Initiative intended to reach and inspire adult Americans to adopt by offering important, accurate information about the foster care system and the adoption process. Develop a donated public service campaign strategy and annually create and produce multi-media products including PSAs for television, radio, print and social media, building on the body of work of the National Adoption Campaign launched in 2004. This project will also provide support to States, Tribes and Territories to provide increased access to new recruitment media and their ability to respond in a timely and customer-friendly manner;
  3. National Adoption and Foster Care Information Exchange System: Maintain a National Adoption and Foster Care Information Exchange System that raises public awareness and assists States, Tribes, and Territories in recruiting foster and adoptive parents for children in foster care. This will include conducting National Adoption Month activities to raise public awareness and coordinating with organizations sponsoring National Foster Care Month activities. The design of this system will incorporate the provision of a 24-hour, nationwide, toll-free communications network designed to respond to the inquiries from prospective foster and adoptive parents as well as the general public regarding the foster and adoption process.;
  4. Adoptive and Foster Family Support Activities: Develop and disseminate information, strategies, and effective or evidence-based models for the implementation of adoptive and foster family support activities for States, Tribes, and Territories. Develop and disseminate information on innovative approaches for creating communities of practice, peer-to-peer technical assistance, and leadership training to enhance and support adoptive and foster family support groups;
  5. Capacity Building Services for Diligent Recruitment and Retention of Foster/Adoptive Families: Provide limited constituency services and universal product development and dissemination to States, Tribes, and Territories across the nation to assist in building agency capacity for the diligent recruitment and retention of foster and adoptive families, including models of best practices related to photolisting, recruitment media, customer service and adoptive and foster family support activities. The project period of this award will be up to 5 years.”

Funder: Administration for Children and Families – Children’s Bureau
Eligibility:Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education), nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education), for profit organizations other than small businesses, city or township governments, county governments, state governments, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized), Native American tribal organizations, others. Applicants must demonstrate experience in child welfare, foster home development, and adoption services. Applicants must also demonstrate experience and ability to plan, develop and implement an annual targeted national public service advertising campaign about adoption from foster care.”
Amount: $4,000,000 – $5,170,000
Contact: Link. 

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