Author(s): JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Published: Jan. 14, 2015
Report Intro/Brief:
“At the same time that young people are facing diminished opportunities to gain work experience, they are confronting a labor market that is increasingly demanding a more skilled workforce. By 2025, 65% of jobs in the United States will require some postsecondary education, training or credential – up from 28% of jobs in the 1970s. These heightened expectations mean that it’s more essential than ever for young people to gain work experience and develop skills today to enable them to compete in the global workforce in the future.
As cities creatively weave together resources to address the broader youth employment crisis, there is an opportunity to reinvent summer youth employment – to design a skills-based program, focus on career pathways and integrate them into plans for local workforce systems. Developing a national framework that includes investments in research, resources and a playbook for cities that lays out best practices would advance efforts to build and sustain this work.
This report is intended to contribute to efforts under way in cities across the country to create summer youth employment programs that prepare youth for their future by focusing on skills development, career pathways, and long-term educational and employment success.”