Subject: Health, Community Development, Child Welfare, Access to Healthcare
Deadline: Jan. 16, 2015 (Round 1 applications due)
“The BUILD Health Challenge is a national award program designed to support community collaborations that are working to give everyone a fair chance to be healthy. Specifically, the BUILD Health Challenge will give two kinds of awards – planning and implementation awards – to strengthen partnerships among hospitals, nonprofits, local health departments, and other community organizations to improve the health of low-income neighborhoods within cities with populations greater than 150,000. In addition to grants, awardees will have access to a broad range of support services, including technical assistance, coaching and access to networks of population health innovators.
The BUILD Health Challenge invites collaborative proposals that will identify, highlight, and advance new models for improving community health and health equity. The Challenge aims to identify and share the most promising innovations and best practices with the rest of the country.”
Funder: The Advisory Board Company, the de Beaumont Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Eligibility: “To be eligible to apply, applicants must:
- Have the support of a three-way partnership between a hospital or health system, the local health department, and at least one not-for-profit community organization; other types organizations may also be involved
- Have lead applicant in each proposal be the non-profit community-based partner with deep roots in the focus community and the capacity to lead the proposed scope of work
- Target a neighborhood, ZIP code or census tract within a city of 150,000-plus experiencing poor health outcomes
- Be willing to participate in a learning collaborative and openly share challenges, results”
Amount: Planning grants: up to $75,000 for a one-year duration.
Implementation grants: up to $250,000 for a two-year duration.
Contact: Link.