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Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Education, Outreach, and Workforce Program (STEM)

Subject: STEM, Education, Career Development, Job Training, Higher Education
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2015

“The Office of Naval Research (ONR) seeks proposals for developing innovative solutions that directly support the development and maintenance of a robust STEM workforce. The goal of any proposed effort should be to provide “game changing” solutions that will establish and maintain a diverse pipeline of U.S. citizens who are interested in uniformed or civilian DoN (or Navy and Marine Corps) STEM related workforce opportunities. While this announcement is relevant for any stage of the STEM pipeline, for FY15, funding efforts will be targeted primarily towards High School, Post-Secondary education, and outreach designed to enhance the DoN (or Naval) STEM workforce and its mission readiness. Emphasis will be given both to key engineering and scientific areas outlined in the Naval S&T Strategic Plan such as our National Naval Responsibilities (see ONR website), and to identified STEM related workforce gaps and new strategic goals on the uniformed and civilian side.”

Funder: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Eligibility:All responsible sources from academia, the nonprofit sector, and industry may submit proposalsUniversity Affiliated Research Centers (UARC) are eligible to submit proposals If any such organization is interested in the program described herein, the organization should contact ONR STEM Program Office,, to discuss potential projects. As with FFRDCs, these types of Federal organizations may team with other responsible sources from academia, non-profits, and industry that are submitting proposals.”
Amount: Unspecified.
Contact: Link.

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