Subject: Child Welfare, Health, Youth Development, Community Development | Deadline: Oct. 14, 2014
“The goal of this program is to promote access to health care for children, youth and their families nationwide, and employ preventive health strategies through innovative community driven programs. This program supports HRSA’s goals to improve access to quality health care and services, to build healthy communities, and to improve health equity. HTPCP funding supports direct service projects, not research projects. HTPCP applications MUST represent either a new initiative (i.e., project that was not previously in existence) within the community or an innovative new component that builds upon an existing community-based program or initiative. HTPCP grants:
- 1) support the development of community-based initiatives that plan and implement innovative and cost-effective approaches to promote community identified preventive child health and developmental objectives for vulnerable children and their families, especially those with limited access to quality health services;
- 2) foster/promote collaboration among community organizations, individuals, agencies, businesses, and families;
- 3) involve pediatricians and other pediatric primary care providers (family physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants) in community-based service programs; and
- 4) build community and statewide partnerships among professionals in health, education, social services, government, including State Title V and Medicaid and CHIP programs, and business to achieve self-sustaining programs.”
Funder: Health Resources & Services Administration
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education), nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education), state governments, small businesses, city or township governments, Native American tribal organizations, public and State controlled institutions of higher education, private institutions of higher education, for profit organizations other than small businesses, county governments, special district governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities, independent school districts.
Amount: Up to $50,000.
Contact: Link.