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OJJDP – Second Chance Act, Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers and Their Children: A Reentry Mentoring Project

Subject: Juvenile Justice, Parenting, Child Welfare, Youth Development, Family  | Deadline: July 17, 2014

The FY 2014 Second Chance Act Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers and Their Children: A Reentry Mentoring Project helps ensure that the transition young fathers make from secure confinement facilities back to their families and their communities is successful and promotes public safety. This solicitation will fund mentoring and comprehensive transitional services, emphasizing developing parenting skills, to offenders who are young fathers.

Funder: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education), Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized).
Amount: Up to $400,000.
Contact: Link.

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