Author(s): America’s Promise Alliance and its Center for Promise at Tufts University
Published: May 20, 2014
Report Intro/Brief:
“Don’t Call Them Dropouts adds to the large and growing body of research about why some young people fail to complete high school on the traditional four-year timeline. While a high school diploma is only a starting line for adult success, it has become increasingly clear that it is crucial for taking the next steps in college and career. Over the past decade, there has been impressive growth in and commitment to helping more students graduate.
What has been missing from much of the recent research, however, is a vibrant portrait of young people’s experiences, gathered in a way that deepens the national conversation about why some young people are still failing to graduate. Building on studies like Bridgeland, Dilulio, and Morison’s Silent Epidemic, as well as the Building a GradNation reports and the work of The Aspen Institute’s Opportunity Youth Network, this report from The Center for Promise (a partnership between America’s Promise Alliance and Tufts University) begins to fill that gap.”
-from the executive summary