Subject: Juvenile Justice | Deadline: Jul. 03, 2014
“OJJDP envisions a nation where our children are healthy, educated, and free from violence. If they come into contact with the juvenile justice system, the contact should be rare, fair, and beneficial to them. OJJDP’s Coordinated Assistance for States’ project will further this vision by providing states and communities with coordinated resources and training and technical assistance to assist in the planning, establishing, operating, coordinating, and assessing of delinquency prevention, intervention, and juvenile justice systems improvement projects.”
Funder: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Eligibility: For profit organizations other than small businesses, nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education), state governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), small businesses, private institutions of higher education, city or township governments, county governments, public and state controlled institutions of higher education.
Amount: Up to $2,000,000.