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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded: October – November 2013

Stuart Foundation
San Francisco, CA

  • American Institutes for Research – to support the California Collaborative on District Reform (Collaborative), which brings together district leaders, researchers, state policymakers, and funding organizations to examine critical problems, available evidence for instituting solutions, and opportunities for policy changes to improve achievement of all students, with particular attention to underserved youth. $200,000
  • California Network of Child Advocacy Centers – to build the capacity of 60 existing and emerging Child Advocacy Centers in California to serve 9,000 children with a coordinated response to child abuse allegations that reduces trauma, enhances safety and puts the needs of the child first. $50,000
  • Children Youth and Family Collaborative – to support the ARISSE program to bolster the academic performance of approximately 2,500 foster youth annually in the East Los Angeles region by improving school attendance, course completion, high school graduation and college acceptance rates. $150,000
  • College Success Foundation – to prepare foster youth in Washington State for the 21st century workforce through the College Success Foundation’s (CSF) Center for Career Success, a program that guides foster youth through several stages of career development so that they are equipped to meet their employment goals as they transition from college to career. $150,000
  • Community Initiatives – to expand college access and improve persistence and graduation rates for current and former foster youth. $150,000
  • iFoster – to improve family stability and well-being outcomes for over 3,500 foster and kinship caregivers in eight California counties by expanding the iFoster Resource Portal – an online, self-service navigator portal of government benefits, community child-welfare support services and location-based resources. $50,000
  • Public Counsel – to improve graduation, attendance, academic proficiency and college admission rates for foster youth at Fremont High School and an additional school/community site in Los Angeles. $100,000
  • Public Counsel – To participate in the Education Equals Partnership Advisory Team as a thought partner in the development and implementation of strategies that promote school stability, academic success and effective cross-agency collaboration on behalf of students in foster care. $30,000
  • Youth Law Center – To support Youth Law Center’s efforts to reshape California’s child welfare system by ensuring that children and youth in foster care receive services that are developmentally appropriate and foundational to becoming successful adults. $150,000



The RGK Foundation
(512) 474-9298
Austin, TX

  • Austin Independent School District – support to expand the Social and Emotional Learning Initiative throughout the district. $300,866
  • KIPP LA Schools – support to expand teacher and leadership development services throughout the KIPP LA charter school network. $225,000
  • The University of Texas at Dallas, Center for BrainHealth – support for the Educator Excellence and Empowering Service Members initiatives designed to optimize brain function for middle school students. $500,000
  • Partners in School Innovation – to support work to improve literacy in partner schools throughout the Bay Area and Michigan to ensure that underserved students experience academic success. $25,000
  • Generations Incorporated – as support for Kindergarten Classroom Literacy Program. $25,000
  • Schreiner University – support for Integrity Ambassadors in Business program to enable more than 350 students to explore and respond to ethical issues across all business courses. $50,000
  • Children’s Medical Center Foundation of Central Texas – Adjunct Board support for the Children’s Health Express pediatric mobile health program for low-income families. $130,000
  • Children’s Medical Center Foundation of Texas – Adjunct Board support to expand mental health services for low-income children in the MyChildren’s pediatric practice network. $120,000
  • St. Francis Medical Center of Lynwood – support for access to health services for low-income Latino and African American families in Southeast Los Angeles. $25,000



The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
(904) 359-0670
Jacksonville, FL

  • Pivot Learning Partners – to test and refine a teacher leader model that assists underserved high schools with the adoption of Common Core State Standards. $200,000
  • Exploratorium – For professional development in environmental education. $200,000
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology – to create a professional development program that prepares high school teachers to use digital games in the classroom. $150,000
  • Zoological Society of San Diego – for further development of the Conservation Biology Summer Workshops, providing high school science teachers with an innovative professional development program that strengthens teaching through hands-on, lab- and field-based research experiences at the Zoo’s Wild Animal Park. $200,000
  • Bard College – to support the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE). The CCE supports experiential, student-led initiatives and service learning, $250,000
  • Heritage University – to launch a career services program and develop the Student College Success Institute. $250,000
  • Lenoir-Rhyne University – for new science equipment and to support updated equipment to improve the university’s science classes and undergraduate research. $248,100
  • College of Wooster – to support a comprehensive student advising program called APEX. $250,000
  • Agnes Scott College – to upgrade educational technology infrastructure. $250,000



W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Battle Creek, MI

  • Social Entrepreneurs of New Orleans – to improve health and economic outcomes for at-risk New Orleans families by incubating, scaling and evaluating innovations in healthy food, health and social justice. $1,295,000
  • Families USA Foundation, Inc. – to improve access to quality care of vulnerable children and families by providing assistance in selected states to maximize implementation of health care reform opportunities. $250,000
  • Corporation for Enterprise Development – to improve economic security outcomes for low-income children and families through asset building and savings by strengthening and expanding large-scale child savings account practices, models and advocacy efforts. $1,500,000
  • Teachers College, Columbia University – to examine the education crisis in Mississippi through high-quality journalism, based in the state. $235,000
  • Teachers College, Columbia University – to examine the education crisis in New Orleans through high-quality journalism, with an eye on post-Katrina reforms. $398,000
  • School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida – to improve student achievement, increase teacher commitment and teaching skills and enhance overall school culture, particularly in Title I elementary schools, through the Florida Master Teacher Initiative. $709,106



Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3100
Seattle, WA

  • Leading Educators Inc. – to support the expansion and refinement of a teacher leader development program that can increase academic achievement among low-income and minority students by building the capacity of school districts to enhance career opportunities for effective teachers. $3,500,858
  • Jefferson Parish Public School System – to support effective implementation of instructional reforms by aligning resources and developing knowledge that other districts can use. $200,000
  • Teach for America, Inc. – to study whether feedback from students and/or trained classroom observers can lead to more effective teaching. $400,000
  • eSpark Inc. – to develop a solution that measures the effects of specific educational applications on student achievement and engagement. $99,400
  • Association of American Colleges and Universities – to support the development of innovative general education pathways in postsecondary education, General Education Maps (GEMS) and Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE), to better serve undergraduate students. $2,305,172
  • Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction – to position Washington to develop and implement a professional development model to drive high quality implementation of full day kindergarten. $175,378
  • Fund for Public Schools Inc. – to create new approaches for evaluating and improving the efficacy of digital courseware as a means to produce more targeted products that more effectively meet schools’ needs. $100,000
  • National Conference of State Legislatures – to continue its support of state legislators on Common Core and teacher effectiveness. $557,046
  • National Indian Education Association – to enable the National Indian Education Association to help Native American students attending U.S. public schools and the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) develop stronger academic and non-academic skills and abilities leading to college and career success. $600,000
  • Children’s Defense Fund – to develop a Freedom Schools Teacher Institute and support system that helps teachers help all students, including low income students, achieve academically. $399,978



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