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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded: August – September 2013

The Atlantic Philanthropies
New York, NY and Washington, D.C.

  • Georgetown University – to provide policy analysis, strategic planning and technical assistance to state-based collaboratives for work with federal and state administrations in developing policy to protect and expand children’s health insurance coverage. $2,800,000
  • Advocates for Children & Youth – to advocate and inform the development of permanent systems for universal health coverage for children in Maryland. $425,000
  • Center for Community Change – to engage young adults in advocacy, outreach and enrolment to protect and expand health insurance coverage for at least half of the 10.3 million uninsured young adults from ages 18-26. $775,000
  • Chapin Hall Center for Children at The University of Chicago – To design and implement a multi-method evaluation of Chicago Elev8 to help improve the delivery and integration of school-based services, ensure students successfully transition to the ninth grade, and to advance policies and funding that support Elev8 and community schools locally and nationally. $800,000
  • Children’s Defense Fund – to increase children’s access to health insurance coverage and accelerate adoption of better school disciplinary practices by engaging school district leaders in reform. $3,196,000
  • Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP — Manatt Health Solutions – to utilise strong analytic ability to provide technical and legal analysis to Kidswell grantees, track and monitor the KidsWell initiative and develop and maintain the KidsWell website. $1,226,000
  • NYS Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children – to disseminate and build support for recommendations to reduce suspensions, arrests and expulsion in the New York City’s public schools from the NYC School’s Justice Task Force: Keeping Kids in School and Out of Court. $50,000
  • Center for Health Policy Development/National Academy for State Health Policy – to provide technical assistance to state agencies in developing and implementing the systems, policies and regulations to expand children’s health insurance coverage. $700,000
  • Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families – to maximise the impact of Atlantic’s KidsWell initiative and the work of its grantees by engaging new funders through convenings led by Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families. $200,000
  • Mississippi Center for Justice – To build a sustainable, statewide infrastructure for health insurance coverage for children and youth in Mississippi. $500,000
  • The Center for Public Integrity, Inc. – to research, document and publish in-depth investigative reports on school discipline in the United States, to be disseminated through national media outlets, social media and the Center for Public Integrity’s website. $75,000



W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Battle Creek, MI

  • Local Initiatives Support Corporation – to connect low-income populations to education and quality jobs through aligning cross-sector partners to develop a relevant occupational skills credential, bridge program and bundled services. $390,000
  • Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan – to increase the quality, comprehensiveness and integration of early childhood education available to Detroit children and their families by supporting the Detroit Early Childhood Innovation Fund. $2,500,000
  • Partners in School Innovation – to improve educational outcomes for vulnerable children at select under-performing schools in Indianola and Sunflower County school districts in Miss. by transforming teaching and learning. $846,930
  • Battle Creek Unlimited, Inc. – to enable the organization to achieve its mission of facilitating regional wealth creation through human, economic and community development by providing general operating support. $2,000,000
  • Jobs for the Future, Inc. – to generate significantly better career outcomes for low-wage workers through industry-led sector partnerships that invest in evidence-based skill development leading to family-supporting wages and careers. $500,000
  • Institute for Educational Leadership, Inc. – to improve learning for vulnerable children by building the capacity of parents, families, teachers, principals, school district staff and community-based partners to implement effective family engagement practices. $700,000
  • Coalition for a Prosperous Mississippi – for improving the well-being and economic security of low-income black children and families, their noncustodial fathers and communities by conducting research to address the impacts of child support debt in Mississippi. $65,000
  • Arizona Community Foundation, Inc. – to enable more low-income families to access the earned income tax credit by improving collaboration among funders to raise visibility, facilitate knowledge-sharing and serve as a resource to one another. $45,000
  • Frontline Solutions International, LLC – to maximize efficacy, sustainability and impact of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation boys of color education grantees by providing comprehensive design, implementation and learning technical assistance. $900,000
  • Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. – to improve the outcomes for young men of color in Mississippi by shining a light on the harsh impact and best practices of school discipline policies. $150,000
  • FII – National – to advance economic and social mobility for low-income families by providing growth capital for national expansion and adoption of a family-driven, evidence-based cohorting model. $1,500,000



Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3100
Seattle, WA

  • Stand for Children Leadership Center – to organize supportive parents and teachers in Jefferson Parish, LA, to implement reforms that ensure that all children, regardless of their background, graduate from high school prepared for and with access to a college education. $249,939
  • MomsRising Education Fund – to build a parent voice for quality early learning opportunities for all children through increased online, on-the-ground, media, and other engagement strategies. $500,000
  • James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc. – to develop a business and operation plan for the Digital Learning Institute (DigiLEARN). $250,669
  • North Carolina State University – to support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success. $100,000
  • Engaged Learning – to facilitate dramatic increases in academic achievement for all US students by building and validating a proof of concept of 6th-grade digital math courseware based on the JUMP Math curriculum, a breakthrough curriculum for teacher-delivered instruction. $989,929
  • The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education – to support a cohort of National Education Association Master Teachers in the development of Common Core-aligned lessons in K-5 mathematics and K-12 English Language Arts. $3,882,600
  • Building Changes – to provide funding for family homelessness Systems Innovation Grants, which promote the reallocation of public sector funds to better meet the needs of homeless families in Pierce, King and Snohomish Counties. $3,500,000
  • The Teaching Channel – to support the organization’s mission to revolutionize how teachers learn, connect and inspire each other to improve the outcomes for all K-12 students across America. $7,000,000
  • Board of Trustees of St. Petersburg College – to support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success. $100,000
  • Ounce of Prevention Fund – to support the First Five Years Fund. $550,000



Stuart Foundation
San Francisco, CA

  • Children Now – to provide technical assistance and timely research to policymakers and key stakeholders about the need to reform the California school finance system, and to conduct outreach and communications activities with education advocates and the general public about student-centered school finance reform and its impact on districts across the state. $60,000
  • Educational Results Partnership – To monitor the postsecondary progress of foster youth attending community colleges, California State Universities, and Universities of California in three geographic regions. $60,000
  • University of California Davis, School of Education – to conduct a qualitative analysis for the Stuart Foundation’s Effective Education Systems study. $60,000
  • Big Picture Learning – To expand and disseminate programs to improve student engagement, learning and achievement. $120,000
  • California Youth Connection – to support California Youth Connection (CYC) to build the leadership and advocacy skills of current and former foster youth in 33 CYC chapters throughout California. $150,000
  • Camellia Network – To expand Camellia Network’s web-based, social network platform which allows the public and private sector partners to collectively give to “youth registries,” individualized inventories of essential material items needed to help foster youth transition to adulthood. $100,000
  • Community Partners – To provide intensive assistance to low-income high school juniors and seniors with strong academic records so that they can succeed in the highly competitive admissions process at top-ranked colleges and universities. $50,000
  • EdSource – For general support of high-quality coverage of critical K-14 public education policy issues in California. $200,000
  • Education Trust – To study the implementation of multiple-measure teacher evaluations in three school districts and four charter management organizations in California. $275,000



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