Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3100
Seattle, WA
- Athabasca University, to provide conference support to Massive Open Online Courseware event. $15,000
- Community Center for Education Results, to fund CCER to help the seven Road Map Project area districts in South King County apply for the Race to the Top-District (RTTT-D) Competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. $50,000
- Excelencia in Education, to develop and publicize a fact base about challenges to low-income Latino student postsecondary success caused by the current financial aid system, and engage decision makers in discussion of concrete financial aid reform efforts. $85,550
- Alliance for Excellent Education, Inc., to employ its network of education stakeholders to make the case that the nation’s federal student aid system is in urgent need of reform and to propose viable reform options. $116,914
- Committee for Economic Development, to support a four month, two-pronged initiative to refocus the national higher education conversation on student financial aid. $96,100
- The Institute for College Access and Success, to review the latest data on the cost and distribution of federal grants, loans, and tax benefits, and analyze the impact of existing proposals and seek to develop new ones that would have the greatest positive effect on college access and success. $100,000
- Center for Curriculum Redesign Inc., to refine the Mathematics Common Core State Standards in light of 21st Century Skills. $198,000
- Monterey Institute For Technology And Education, to develop EdReady, a direct-to-student, free, online college readiness diagnostic and customized remediation tool utilizing NROC developmental Math; and research, planning, design, and creation of two online developmental English courses. $4,822,265
- Education Development Center, Inc., to create, test and scale a suite of digital tools, called Zoom In, that helps teachers develop effective instructional routines and their own curricular resources for teaching with primary sources in social studies and history at the middle school level. $2,947,181
The Atlantic Philanthropies
212-916-7300 (NY), 202-842-9202(DC)
New York, NY and Washington, DC
- Georgetown University, To provide technical assistance to the state-based KidsWell collaboratives to work with federal and state administrators in developing policy to protect and expand children’s health insurance coverage. $ 600,000
- Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP — Manatt Health Solutions, To serve as the national coordinator and manager of the KidsWell collaboratives and website.
- National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges, To provide training and technical assistance to help judicial leaders develop efforts to reduce referrals of youth to juvenile court for school-based misbehaviour and to expand use of positive disciplinary practices in schools. $400,000
- Public Interest Projects, To convene and provide technical support to the national network of the Elev8 initiative, which brings together schools, families and the community in low-income areas to ensure that students succeed in school and in life. $1,150,000
- Safe Passages, To fortify the infrastructure of Elev8 Oakland to achieve sustainability in five Oakland Elev8 school campuses, and to influence federal, state and local policies to support and fund community schools. Elev8 is a nationwide initiative that brings together schools, families and the community in low-income areas to ensure that students succeed in school and in life. $ 3,500,000
Stuart Foundation
San Francisco, CA
- Center for Children and Youth Justice, To support the infrastructure and development of the Washington Philanthropist’s Forum, a group of private foundations and individual philanthropists who convene regularly to promote effective collaboration and co-investment for programs that serve vulnerable children and families in the State of Washington. $20,000
- Tides Center, To support planning and early implementation of the Camellia Network, an innovative web-based platform and online community that supports transition age foster youths’ material and social needs by tapping into the resources of everyday citizens. $60,000
- Stanford University School of Education, To support the design and implementation of Take One as a school turnaround strategy in three high-need schools. Take One, a program of the National Board Resource Center at Stanford University, is a professional development program that helps cohorts of teachers work collaboratively and develop an understanding of evidence-based teaching. $60,000
- Philanthropy Roundtable, To sustain the K-12 Education Breakthrough Group, which connects philanthropies and donors with education thought leaders and experts driving K-12 education reform. $20,000
- First Star, Inc., To support the Summer Guardian Academy Program to provide 36 foster youth, ages 16 to 18, with a five-week residential summer college immersion experience on the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus. $25,000
The Ford Foundation
New York, N.Y.
- Abyssinian Development Corporation, For Abyssinian Schools to strengthen the expanded learning time/better use of time component of its school transformation model across all of its partner public schools. $400,000
- Youth Coalition, To advance youth sexual & reproductive rights (SRR) within development efforts & advocate for strengthened respect, protection & promotion of young people’s SRR at the international & regional levels. $310,714
- Youth Speaks, Inc, For the Brave New Voices Festival, network and Web site and to build overall institutional capacity while finalizing plans to meet its need for a permanent space. $300,000
- University of Southern California, For the Center for Urban Education to use its Equity Scorecard and other tools to help higher education systems in two states achieve ambitious college completion goals. $500,000
- Boston Foundation, For Success Boston to replicate its embedded coaching model for providing timely, as-needed academic and non-academic supports to Boston Public Schools graduates at two local community colleges. $250,00
- Excelencia in Education, Inc., For the Ensuring America’s Future by Increasing Latino College Completion initiative to inform and engage stakeholders nationwide and work to close equity gaps in Colorado and south Texas. $200,000
- Urban Habitat, General support to combine education, advocacy, research & coalition building to advance environmental, economic and social justice in low-income communities and communities of color in the Bay Area. $850,000
- Steppingstone Foundation Inc., General support to develop and implement programs that prepare underserved students for educational opportunities that lead to college success. $200,000
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Battle Creek, MI
- Chairman’s Leadership Forum Inc., to improve oral health access and health outcomes for vulnerable children by educating key state legislators about the expansion of the scope of practice for health and dental care. $61,286
- Ohio State University Foundation, to improve food security in low income communities by providing an opportunity to discuss different methodologies and connect efforts from around the world. $58,000
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, to enable the organization to achieve its mission to assure vulnerable children have access to opportunity through achieving racial equity in all aspects of everyday life by providing general operating support. $2,800,000
- President and Fellows of Harvard College, to raise public awareness about declining social mobility and its impact on the nation’s children through significant research and outreach effort that inform and educate the public. $375,000
- America’s Promise the Alliance for Youth, to improve the lives of America’s children, specifically in the policy areas of child health, early childhood education, child poverty, racial disparities and advocating for children within the federal budget. $900,000
- Regents of the University of New Mexico, to increase development of youth-directed health programs and policies by training youth to interpret and use health-related data to conduct community dialogues and develop action plans to address health concerns. $140,000
- National Council of La Raza, to enable the organization to achieve its mission of improving the opportunities for Latino children and families by providing general operating support. $3,600,000
- Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Inc., to enhance and expand work to build a health equity movement that helps vulnerable children and their families achieve optimal health by providing core support to the Health Policy Institute and Economic Studies. $3,600,000
- National Urban League, Inc., to enable the organization to achieve its mission of addressing racial injustice, promoting healing and reforming systems to achieve equal opportunity for children and families by providing general operating support. $2,600,000
- Albuquerque Public Schools, to improve early education, birth to age 8, with a focus on civic engagement within four targeted neighborhoods by increasing family engagement as it relates to the child’s academic growth and development. $800,000
Surdna Foundation
(212) 557-0010
New York, NY
- Achievement Institute Of Scientific Studies, General operating support. $7,500
- Aseltine School, Support for the Transition program. $15,000
- Blind Childrens Center, Core support. $100,000
- Boys Club Of The Harbor Area Inc., Support to sustain after-school tutoring and mentoring program serving Rhea and Pomona Elementary Schools. $15,000
- California Community Foundation fbo: South Los Angeles Child Welfare Initiative (SLACWI)
Support for the South Los Angeles Child Welfare Initiative’s Peer Education and Support Network program. $100,000 - Catholic Education Foundation, Support for tuition assistance at twenty K-8 parochial schools in Los Angeles. $750,000
- Center for Collaborative Education Metro Boston, Inc., Support for the Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency program. $225,000
- Central Coast Literacy Council,General operating support. $12,000
- Child Development Institute, Capital support for a new early-childhood learning center in Canoga Park. $230,000
- Coachella Valley Economic Partnership,Support for the expansion of the Healthcare Workforce Excellence Program. $100,000
- College Access Plan, General operating support. $12,000
- College Summit, Support for expansion of programs in Southern California. $100,000
- Common Sense Media, Support for development of the Los Angeles education program. $50,000
- Community Partners fbo Southern California College Access Network, Support for expansion of the CREWS Program. $10,000
- Community Partners fbo: College Match, General operating support. $7,500
- Dolores Mission School, Core support. $120,000
- El Viento Foundation, General operating support. $15,000
- Equitas Academy Charter School Inc, Capital support for the construction of a new school facility. $350,000
- Fulfillment Fund, Core support. $175,000
- Fuller Theological Seminary, General operating support for Fuller Psychological and Family Services. $15,000
- Inner City Education Foundation, Program Related Investment to sustain program operations. $1,000,000
- Innercity Struggle, Capital support for a community organizing space. $25,000
- International Trade Education Programs, Inc., General operating support. $15,000
- Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, Support for a strategic planning process for KOREH LA. $12,500
- Library Foundation of Los Angeles, Support to establish “Student Zones” at 37 public library branches in low-income communities in Los Angeles. $300,000
- Loyola High School of Los Angeles, Support to maintain and enhance the Community Service Program. $25,000
- Loyola Marymount University, Support for the Assessment and Intervention Project. $250,000
- Mustard Seed Tutorial Center, General operating support. $10,000
- Operation Jump Start, General operating support. $15,000
- Pacific Charter School Development, Core support. $175,000
- Partnership For Los Angeles Schools, Capital support for student and teacher laptop computers. $150,000
- Pasadena Education Network, Support to sustain and expand Pasadena Education Network’s Kinder-Parent Readiness Program. $13,500
- Reading Legacies, General operating support. $15,000
- Reading Partners, Support for Los Angeles Growth Initiative. $260,000
- Reality Changers, Support to expand the stand-alone Senior Academy into ten additional sites. $24,000
- Regents University of California Los Angeles, Luskin School of Public Affairs, Support for the UCLA Luskin Senior Fellows program. $25,000
- Saint Odilia School, Capital support to purchase and install nine SMART boards. $20,067
- Santa Barbara Partners in Education, Support to expand the Volunteer Recruitment and Coordination program to the Santa Maria Valley. $15,000
- Santa Teresita School, Support for computers and supplies for a new on-campus library. $7,500
- Storyteller Children’s Center, Core support. $160,000
- United Way Of Santa Barbara County Inc, Support for the 2012 Fun in the Sun program. $15,000
- University of Southern California, Support for the annual USC School Performance Dashboard project. $150,000
- University of Southern California fbo Ednovate, General operating support for USC Hybrid High School’s planning year. $25,000
- Valley Partnership For A Drug Free Community, General operating support. $15,000