► Reports

Revitalizing Arts Education Through Community-Wide Coordination

RAND Education and The Wallace Foundation

A lack of space, little time in the school day, and a greater emphasis on other subjects are the main reasons the arts are struggling to keep a foothold in urban schools, finds this report.

Based on six case studies in urban locations, the report finds that while some arts programs have made progress, it is usually limited and fragile due to changing political landscapes, test-based assessments of non-arts subjects and a generation of teachers who have not been exposed to arts education. To improve the odds of success, the report recommends that programs secure initial seed money, recruit effective leaders and include multiple and diverse groups.  Free, 108 pages.  (212) 251-9700, http://www.wallacefoundation.org/NR/rdonlyres/B49E3B29-04F2-4EE3-BFFC-9C76D442F5A0/0/RevitalizingArtsEducation.pdf.

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