► Reports

Building A Better Bridge: Helping Young Adults Enter and Succeed in College

Youth Development Institute (YDI)

YDI tracked 39 young people as they advanced from a earning a GED with the help of a local community organization, through their first year at the New York City College of Technology. The study found that youths who delay post-secondary education generally have academic problems both in high school and college, as well as challenges with affordable housing, work schedules, day care services and transportation costs. The authors conclude that bridge programs should focus on helping “lapsed students” extend their academic skills without using their limited funds for remedial coursework in college and should utilize a case management approach to address students’ needs for holistic support. Free, 32 pages. (646) 943-8829, http://www.transad.pop.upenn.edu/downloads/Building%20a%20Better%20Bridge.pdf.

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