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Web Watch for April 2004


Child Welfare

The Adoption History Project
This digital history resource profiles the people, organizations and writings that have shaped adoption in the United States since 1851, the year Massachusetts passed the Adoption of Children Act. Includes scores of records and papers about adoption policies and practices. Created by University of Oregon Professor Ellen Herman.


Grant Makers Concerned With Immigrants and Refugees
A resource for independent, family and community foundations with initiatives that focus on immigrants, or that wish to launch such initiatives. While membership (and some publications) is exclusive to grant-making organizations, any visitor can access pages with information on immigrant demographics by state, and on child immigrant issues, along with lists of organizations that fund immigrant initiatives. Run by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Juvenile Justice

National Youth Court Center
The site of the central organization, created by the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, for youth court programs across the country. The site lists contact information for about 900 youth court programs and connects visitors to resources, publications and training opportunities.


An excellent resource for parents or youth workers who are trying to decide on appropriate movies for children. Run by a husband-and-wife team, Screen It critiques movies and videos based on 15 categories, including “blood and gore,” appropriateness of music and tense family scenes. The ratings cover virtually anything a responsible adult should know about a film before taking youths to see it, and the reviews do not reveal any political bias.


Stop Bullying Now
Explains what constitutes bullying, its effect on children, what a child should do if he or she is being bullied, and what adults can do to combat the problem. Children can play catchy games that help them better understand how to stop bullying, whether it’s being perpetrated by others or by themselves. Run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Youth Development

18 to 35
An up-and-coming online community by 18 to 35, a 1-year-old organization that seeks to galvanize developing youth leaders. The site’s services include providing contacts in the youth leadership field, leadership training, and policy papers and talking points on issues relevant to youth and young adults (such as access to jobs and health care). The site provides many resources, but needs time to reach its potential.

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