The Trevor Project tracks rates of suicidality among LGB youth after turning 18, showing that the stark suicide disparity between straight and...
The Congressional Black Caucus releases a troubling report quantifying and discussing the recent sharp rise in suicide rates among black youth, a...
The CDC's National Center for Health Statistics releases the latest figures on suicide and homicide death rates among U.S. youth; highlighting the...
GRANT FOCUS: Child/Youth Health, Native/Tribal Youth, Mental Health, Youth Suicide, Youth Substance Abuse | Amount: Up to $250,000 | Deadline: Dec. 10,...
The Trevor Project recently released results from the largest-ever survey of LGBTQ youth across the country. The report shows that nearly 40%...
This new report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) summarizes and discusses the startling recent uptick in youth...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released this study showing the prevalence of transgender high school students to be nearly...
Researchers review the current knowledge about the development of suicidal behavior among sexual minority youth. They show how a negative social environment...
Subject: Juvenile Justice, Youth Suicide, Suicide Prevention, Self-Harm, Mental Health, Youth Welfare, Safety | Deadline: Sept. 7, 2019
In between wilderness hikes and zip lining, teens attending the weekend Camp Mariposa® addiction prevention and mentoring program learn to recognize signs...