Released today, the Sentencing Project’s “Diversion: A Hidden Key to Combating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice,” analyzes nationwide data. Citing,...
Implemented in June, HB 1905 establishes a five-year budget of over $5 million to reduce homelessness among those aforementioned groups. Washington’s Office of...
Since it launched in January, 25 youth have enrolled in a three-year pilot project that pays girls and queer youth involved in...
A project aiming to grant more Black and brown youth entry to community-based programs that are an alternative to juvenile incarceration will...
During the rollercoaster ride of a pandemic, it was Maxene Foster’s job to help make sure that cash-strapped Bronx residents got fed,...
The new law is retroactive. It allows persons to have prior marijuana-related convictions for which, under the new rules, they would not...
“Move the bodies.” That’s what a defense lawyer recently overheard an employee in juvenile court say, as if the young people being...
A new report analyzes racial and ethnic data at state-level youth justice agencies, documenting how inconsistent data categories and reporting result in...
The Annie E. Casey foundation makes the case for significant expansion of the use of diversion to avoid formally prosecuting low-risk juvenile...
GRANT FOCUS: Youth Justice, Juvenile Justice, Youth Incarceration, Minority Youth | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Ongoing
Sarah Bryer, executive director of the National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) since its inception in 2005, recently announced that she is leaving...
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention uses data from three different national collections to provide a summary of the current...
The Urban Institute identifies and discusses proven, effective and innovative strategies for investment in community-based programs and tools to help justice-involved youth...
Subject: Juvenile Justice, Youth Justice, Workforce Development | Deadline: May 8, 2019 | Amount: Up to $650,000
Galit Lipa recently joined the Public Welfare Foundation as its new youth justice program director. She will now lead its youth justice...
This report published by CFYJ shows how, despite reforms, black youth disproportionately end up in the adult justice system and what can...
Teen homelessness. Gun control. After-school funding. For two years, students at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism...