Hitting eight years sober means I’ve officially been in recovery longer than I was in active addiction. That’s something incredibly special to...
The shift puts a glaring light on the way Americans fight for white lives. One select group is differentiated from the rest...
College students are an interesting and important group of drinkers to study. As a group, 18- to 24-year olds are among the...
The Baby and Mother Bonding Initiative program (BAMBI) delivers tough love as it helps incarcerated mothers bond with their babies born in...
“Man this breaks my heart,” wrote one commentator. “I'm battling addiction right now and it's not easy at all,” shared another. “But...
Two mothers and a father talk about what it's like to be the parent of a substance user in this affecting piece...
Subject: Youth Health/Welfare, Youth Substance Abuse, Drugs, HIV Prevention | Deadline: Apr. 19, 2016
As a child, Logan Karr, 18, never felt accepted by his affluent peers. He turned to self-mutilation, then inhalants and psychedelics in...
Once I entered the foster care system, I was no longer this happy little girl who hid all of her secrets. I...
Project Amp: Amplifying Our Futures offers a brief mentorship intervention for teens at risk of substance use, to be delivered in health...
As a social worker, I quickly learned that teens don’t like being told what to do. Who does? Teachers, counselors, pediatricians and...
"How to Talk to Kids about Drugs — and How Not to" From their own experiences, young adults in recovery share what...
In the behavioral health field, it is clear that the most high-stakes developmental period is adolescence, when mental illness and substance use...
I’ve been abusing alcohol since I was a teen. I faced a lot of trauma as a young kid from a poor...
"When I got high for the first time, I felt like: 'Wow, this is what I've been looking for, like I can...
“I was only 11 years old, but my age didn’t stop me from falling into the same trap my father did.” A...
Three young men in recovery reflect on their youth and how their addictions were mishandled by their mentors, teachers and coaches. They...
Substance misuse can have long-term adverse effects on physical and mental health, academic and career attainment, relationships, and being part of a...
Studies show that 90 percent of people with substance use disorders began using during their teen years when the brain is still...
The latest treasure trove of data for public health researchers and policymakers who study substance use and mental health arrived this week,...