As a leader committed to transforming the lives of youth, the mission impact of your charity begins with you. The youth of...
School districts have provided increased mental health training for staff, classroom support as well as resources and systems aimed at identifying burned...
The Oregon Health Authority releases a report discussing how the ever-worsening impacts of climate change and dire predictions for the future are...
For many kids, this is all they know. Their entire lives have been defined by unrelenting, unprecedented times. Today’s kids are growing...
Just days ago, I received a group email from fellow ACYCP (Association for Youth and Child Care Practice) Board delegate, Janet Wakefield,...
The Economic Policy Institute shows how toxic stress in a child's life, which is disproportionately experienced by African American children, can disrupt...
In recent decades, youth mentoring programs have grown exponentially in popularity and have received increasing support from both private and public sources...
The Conversation The real danger of separating children from parents is not the psychological stress — it’s the biological time bomb. The...
“Someone is going to come to your house in the middle of the night and take your parents, and you will be...
Nora Gajewski is site coordinator at the Bassett Elementary school for Project Link, the before- and after-school program at the Westlake K-12...
For years I have sought out with fierce determination conversations, books and articles such as this. Articles with titles like “5 Steps...
Today we know that short sleep durations and sleepless nights have reached epidemic proportions in the United States. The Centers for Disease...
I am a long-time advocate for how the power of neuroscience can transform the youth-serving profession. When...