Time for a pop quiz: Earlier this month, police ruled the death of a five-month-old boy a homicide. The family was previously...
Roxanne Spillett, whose nearly $1 million salary as head of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America sparked a congressional investigation of...
Entry 12: Looking Back on a Decade I have been President of Promise House for ten years this month and with the...
The Academy for Educational Development is close to being acquired by major North Carolina nonprofit Family Health International (FHI), and, if the...
Irene Sullivan, a former Florida juvenile judge and author of “Raised by the Courts,” shares her thoughts on the closure of the...
The Alliance for Children and Families, a major trade group, has received a four-year, $5,375,000 grant to help 19 of its 350...
A group of 19 congressmen is pressing the Obama White House to fill the long-vacant post of administrator of the Office of...
Entry 10: Inspiration Amidst the Gloom and Doom Amidst all the tribulations of budget cuts, program cuts, outrageous bills being passed, and...
Nonprofit Public/Private Ventures – a national research organization that evaluates employment, justice and youth development programs for low-income communities and uses that...
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has introduced a bill to take to scale a long-running pilot project that provides youth-serving organizations with access...
The Washington-based Academy for Educational Development has announced that it will sell off all of its programs and assets in the wake...
UPDATE: Well, another last-minute deal averted a federal shutdown for now. The section immediately below was written in anticipation of one, and...
Imagine you are a child having trouble feeling secure in your home environment. Or, maybe your parents are incarcerated. Or, perhaps, you...
Nonprofit litigator Children’s Rights has sued the State of Texas, accusing its child welfare system of failing to transition foster children back...
Entry 6 and Entry 7: Springing into a Slump Because a few blogs in row were time sensitive, we had to bump...
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) introduced a bill on Friday to take to scale a long-running pilot project that provides youth-serving organizations with...
The Washington-based Academy for Educational Development announced that it will sell off all of its programs and assets in the wake of...
In 2009, the American Humanics board of directors moved forward to study changing the organization’s name. Perhaps it would have been easier...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations This study examines the term “scale” as it’s used in the field of philanthropy and social services, as...
Well, here I sit at home once again as Mother Nature blows sleet and snow all over this totally unprepared city. Dallas...