Q&A with developmental psychologist and language scientist Adriana Weisleder Kids from immigrant backgrounds in the US often struggle to develop fluency in...
Checking parents’ citizenship violates federal law. Can this policy be enforced?
Proposition 227 required schools to teach only in English with students still learning it.
We are dedicated to ensuring immigrant children are safe and welcome while attending school.
Education for All works to counteract anti-immigrant policy proposals that limit educating undocumented children.
Under state law, immigrant students are allowed to attend public school through age 21.
Our states needs more legal oversight of public k-12 school and district enrollment policies.
And others long for what they could have accomplished with a H.S. diploma.
Thousands of high school seniors were unable to complete the federal aid application.
Students can leave their parent or spouse’s Social Security number blank for now.
As the pandemic raged across New York City in spring 2020, Jose Rivera trekked from the Bronx to Coney Island, Brooklyn to...
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Math Education, STEM, Immigrant Students, ESL | Amount: Up to $4,000 | Deadline: Nov. 1, 2019