GRANT FOCUS: Community, Community Development, Arts/Culture, Education, Health, Well-Being, Environment | Amount: $5,000 - $50,000 | Deadline: Jan. 15, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Higher Education, Low-Income/Disadvantaged Students, Foster/Homeless Youth, Students w/ Disabilities | Amount: Up to $253,032 | Deadline: Jan. 27, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: STEM Education, Gender/Race Equality, Minority Education, Women's Education, Race/Ethnicity | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Feb. 24, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Education, STEM Education, STEM, STEAM, PreK-12, South Carolina | Amount: Up to $2,500 | Deadline: Jan. 15, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Native Youth, Hawaii, Education Innovation | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Feb. 11, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Education, STEM, Science Education, Teacher Support, Middle/High School | Amount: Up to $20,000 | Deadline: Jan. 15, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Afterschool, OST, Youth Development, Middle School, Underserved Youth | Amount: $15,000 - $100,000 | Deadline: Jan. 24, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Library Support, Education, Community, Reading, Rural Youth | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Jan. 15, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Environmental Education, Education, Education Technology, STEM | Amount: Up to $2,500 | Deadline: Jan. 15, 2020
Nine percent of foster youth who are in middle school in New York City are proficient in math compared to approximately 40%...
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Schools, Education Innovation | Amount: Up to $345,000 | Deadline: Jan. 15, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Education, School/Youth Gardens, Environmental Education | Amount: Up to $2,360 | Deadline: Dec. 16, 2019
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Literacy, K-5, Reading, Disadvantaged Students | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Dec. 15, 2019
GRANT FOCUS: Environmental Education, K-12, Civic Engagement, Community | Amount: $5,000 - $25,000 | Deadline: Dec. 2, 2019
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Environment, Civic Engagement, Community, Illinois | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Ongoing
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Reading, Literacy, Community | Amount: $5,000 - $15,000 | Deadline: Jan. 29, 2020
GRANT FOCUS: Environmental Education, K-12, Community, Civic Engagement | Amount: $100,000 - $500,000 | Deadline: Mar. 26, 2020
Child Trends discusses how school district and charter policies affect the health of student populations around the country and how these policies...
Homelessness and a lack of education for unaccompanied youth are intertwined. Young adults who do not finish high school or get a...
GRANT FOCUS: STEM Education, Career Development, Higher Education, Research | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: June 5, 2020