Investigations by Child Protective Services in cases of suspected maltreatment did not result in any improvement in the at-risk factors for the...
The number of children, ages 0 to 17, in the United States with immigrant parents increased to 16.5 million in 2008 from...
Brookings Institution Center on Children & Families A new study suggests that the economic recession will continue to affect national poverty levels...
Michigan Public Health Institute The rate of child maltreatment fatalities – deaths resulting from parental abuse or neglect – has remained relatively...
By Caren Kaplan Mark Redmond’s description of Differential Response is not accurate. His September column (“Is Differential too Deferential?”) mischaracterizes the DR...
The American Academy of Pediatrics wants the federal government to go further than ever in limiting tobacco ads, by banning them not...
Though the number of uninsured children has been declining since the late 1990s, as many as 9.3 million children nationwide continued to...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released the final two volumes in its Child Abuse and Neglect User Manual...
Foster parents routinely complain that are entitled to more money to cover their costs, and a federal court in California recently agreed....
Culturally Competent ParentingFoster Parent College: Training for Adoptive, Kinship, and Foster ParentsNorthwest Media Inc.30 minutes. Interactive DVD plus CD-ROM with Viewer Guide,...
Allegations that physical and chemical restraints were being used at two Boys Town facilities near the Omaha headquarters campus resulted in the...
The state of Nebraska lifted its hold on referrals to Boys Town’s Specialized Treatment Group Homes (TGH) Wednesday, but a referral halt...
By Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba and John Cook It is simply common sense that food is a basic necessity...
Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau show that the child poverty rate increased last year, as the number of Americans living...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced $188 million in teen pregnancy prevention grants Thursday. Most of the grants...
The state with the nation’s most foster youths will no longer just cut them loose when they turn 18. California Gov. Arnold...
Unemployment soared between 2008 and 2009, and the majority of states saw more of their citizens living in poverty, but the number...
By Deborah Weinstein We would all like to think of the current recession as a temporary downturn with no lasting consequences. But...
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is days away from signing or vetoing legislation that would extend foster care services in California to age 21...
School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating Progress and Potential for Improving Children’s Health Three Years After the Federal Mandate Robert Wood Johnson Foundation...