Trayvon Martin's final night began with a convenience store run, a quick trip for candy and something to drink. It ended in...
GRANT FOCUS: Career Development, Black Youth, Disadvantaged Youth, Mentorships | Amount: $100,000 - $1,000,000 | Deadline: Aug. 18, 2021
GRANT FOCUS: COVID19, COVID Recovery, Black LGBTQ Youth, Nonbinary Youth, Direct-Relief | Amount: $500 | Deadline: Ongoing
The Sentencing Project discusses the latest data on racial disparities in youth incarceration across the country.
Researchers at the Urban Institute discuss the stark racial disparities in digital skill levels of youth ages 16-24.
GRANT FOCUS: Black Youth, Youth Development, Mentoring, Culture, Scholarships, Rhode Island | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Sept. 10, 2020
The Congressional Black Caucus releases a troubling report quantifying and discussing the recent sharp rise in suicide rates among black youth, a...
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights investigates school discipline policies and practices across the nation which adversely and disproportionately affect students of...
Researchers at the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, Council on Black Health and Salud America! recently released this new report...
The United Negro College Fund used data from a national survey of 1,700 low-income minority youth to craft this report explaining these...
This groundbreaking new study recently released by the Georgetown University Law Center uses comprehensive survey data to show how the perception of...