A new report chronicling the whereabouts of past high school dropouts shows that all dropouts, and particularly African-Americans, are far more likely...
Bottom Line A nonprofit service agency creates an ongoing evaluation system that is operated in-house, and uses the data to improve...
The Finance Project This paper reviews some of the most recent research on what makes an effective youth development program, and seeks...
The federal government’s vital statistics records show a second year of increase in the birth rate among U.S. teens from 2006 to...
Program: Strong African American Families (SAAF) Organization: Center for Family Research, University of Georgia Type of Evaluation: Researchers examined whether this intervention,...
In addition to providing the requisite yearly information on its staff, programs and grant making, this annual report offers insight into one...
Career Ladder Opportunities Thanks for the article on Hector Fabio Urrea in September (“Climbing Career Ladders”). There are numerous ways that...
Patricia Campie is the new director at the Pittsburgh-based National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ), a division of the National Council of...
Rogers: “This is very much directing our programming.” Photo: Sherwood Forest Camp Evaluations don’t have to be rigid and stodgy in order...
Girls Study Group/U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionAvailable at http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/218905.pdf Despite widespread media reports that today’s girls have gone “wild”...
Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF)Available at http://www.kidscount.org/datacenter/databook.jsp The 19th KIDS COUNT Data Book continues the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual state-by-state tracking...
Sperling: “The University of Michigan is saying this! I’m not crazy!” Photo: Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit While the growing demand to...
Children and Family Research Center/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Available at http://cfrcwww.social.uiuc.edu/pubs/Pdf.files/CAN_AFCARS_BE_RESCUED_final.pdf. The way states submit data to the federal Adoption and...
Urban InstituteAvailable at http://www.urban.org/publications/1001174.html. Studies of former foster youth who age out care find that they generally experience high unemployment, unstable employment...
University of Washington, Seattle Available at http://www.planetwire.org/files.fcgi/7689_Ab_Only_Ed_Kohler_.pdf Yet another study has confirmed that abstinence-only programs have a minimal effect on risky sexual...
University of Washington, Seattle/University of Illinois, Chicago Available at http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/121/2/e246 Despite this study’s title, its researchers make a clear distinction between adult...
California Research BureauAvailable at http://www.library.ca.gov/crb/08/08-004.pdf Although estimates vary widely, the most recent data provided to Congress suggest that, at any given time,...
Association for Child and Youth Care Practice (ACYCP) Forthcoming in the Journal of Child and Youth Care Work In February, the ACYCP...
Journal of Adolescent Health Adolescent sexual health research studies educate youth and encourage them to practice safe sex. However, young people’s participation...
Internet Solutions for Kids and the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire Available in Pediatrics at http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/121/2/e350...