Released today, the Sentencing Project’s “Diversion: A Hidden Key to Combating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice,” analyzes nationwide data. Citing,...
Approximately one in eight children will suffer maltreatment by the time they turn 18, according to a recent study.
A report from Georgetown University analyzing online demand for college talent.
A Study of Juvenile Justice Schools in the South and the Nation by the Southern Education Foundation.
Twice in the last four years, the Collaborative for Educational Services in western Massachusetts has sought federal funds from the Office of...
“Report Highlights Stark Racial Disparities Among U.S. Children”
Facebook announced last week it was giving users another gender selection beyond male and female, just as the Human Rights Campaign released...
LAS VEGAS, Nev. — According to Washington, D.C. lawyer Garry Bevel, LGBTQ rights are not newly devised rights, but a matter of...
In the Growing Up Thinking Scientifically after-school program based in Santa Fe, N.M., students design, create and test computer models to examine...