The study examines youths who exited Illinois correctional facilities between 1996 and 2004 (a total of 13,511 exits over those years). There...
The report focuses particularly on “crossover youth,” who are known to the child welfare agency and have spent time in juvenile custody...
This piece blends personal accounts with data and recommendations, which combined produce a piece that serves both as an indictment, and a...
National Juvenile Justice Network The United States imprisons more youths than any country in the world. This report highlights state-level juvenile justice...
The Prevention Researcher The February issue features four articles on violence in teen dating. This quarterly journal tackles the issue first by...
Every Child Matters Education Fund This new report shows that the United States lags behind many of the world's comparably wealthy democracies...
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago This report explores campus-based support programs that seek to remove barriers that former foster youths...
National Center on Family Homelessness In the midst of an economic crisis that is forcing adults to deal with job layoffs and...
Academy for Educational Development The entire year of this journal's editions covering the youth media field is now available in one volume,...
Multiple international researchers Adolescents who spend time with their grandparents have better social skills and exhibit fewer behavior problems, according to this...
Girl Scout Research Institute The findings of this national study provide a nuanced view of girls' attitudes, aspirations and experiences regarding leadership....
Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) Many of America's nonprofits - including "safety-net" organizations that offer basic and social services to at-risk populations -...
The GAO found that every state mandates physical exams for children upon entering foster care, and most conduct screening for developmental and...
Community decision makers in need of a comprehensive guide to wisely investing in out-of-school-time (OST) programs may have a new bible. The...
Practitioners, agencies and policymakers with questions about the Fostering Connections Act are likely to find their question - and its answer -...
They may not have been able to vote for him, but many youths are already feeling optimistic about Barack Obama's presidency. Not...
Hispanics' underrepresentation in the U.S. military - given the minority group's high interest in armed forces enlistment - can be traced in...
An independent review into medical experiments performed on African-American and Latino foster children in New York found that the HIV/AIDS clinical trials...