Pew Charitable Trusts The rate of unemployment for college graduates ages 20-24 in 2008 was 7.6 percent; it rose to a...
Urban Institute Federal expenditures on children dropped from approximately 20 percent of domestic spending in 1960 to 15 percent in 2008....
California Endowment The California Endowment has compiled information about obesity prevention programs that work and found that the successful initiatives included after-school...
Kaiser Family Foundation The average child’s overall media consumption increased by one hour and 17 minutes every day between 2004 and...
Pew Charitable Trusts A 2009 telephone survey of 800 teens between the ages of 12 and 17, as well as a series...
Public/Private Ventures Public/Private Ventures (P/PV) draws six recommendations from its seven years of working with the Nurse-Family Partnership program in Pennsylvania....
Pew Hispanic Center Latino youth are more likely than other American youth to drop out of school, become teenage parents, and...
American Youth Policy Forum & Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention This report on Tribal Youth Programs (TYPs), which help...
Girl Scout Research Institute (GRSI) and Harris Interactive Youth today are far more committed to being responsible, valuing diversity, being accepting...
Brookings Institution and First FocusU.S. Census Bureau Two new research reports provide evidence of the impact of the recession on child...
The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and Public Agenda According to a survey conducted by The National Center for...
This report focuses on a new way of determining which high schools are turning out the students best prepared to take on...
State Health Access Data Assistance Center The state of Maryland has started to use adjusted gross income and various data from...
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University The investigations of the families of 1.86 million U.S. children for...
Pardee Rand Graduate SchoolThe RAND Corp. Since the establishment of AmeriCorps in 1993, more than 500,000 people have served in its...
National Association of Secondary School Principals and the Coalition for Community Schools Community schools are effective in increasing high school graduation...
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law has released a three-volume report emphasizing the importance...
The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana State University This report concludes that the motivations of donors are highly correlated to level...
Pew Internet & American Life Project Research findings in 2006 found that the number of core discussion networks had declined and...
Child Trends A new study of the relationship between parental roles and teen decisions on sex revealed that the two are...