The Center for Promise at America's Promise Alliance outlines the effects of adverse life experiences on the development and mental health of...
This new report from Measure of America presents findings gathered from the latest data about youth across the country who are neither...
The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience produced this brief highlighting the latest findings in research on adolescent brain development...
The National Network for Youth outlines the severity of the youth homelessness epidemic across the country and shows how current federal policy...
This new report from the Pittsburgh Foundation uses data gathered from a comprehensive survey of youth in Allegheny County to paint a...
The Association of American Universities and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement published this report bringing together several case studies documenting current...
Ascend at the Aspen Institute and Nurse-Family Partnership collaborated to gather information and then write and publish this brief which outlines the...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion uses a variety of official data sources to accurately estimate...
The latest edition of Education Week's annual "Quality Counts" report focuses on the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) across...
The National Collaboration for Youth (NCY) makes the case for establishing a comprehensive community-based continuum of care for youth involved in the...
This new report from Human Rights Watch uses data and information gained from interviews with over 500 students, teachers, administrators, parents, service...
The American Civil Liberties Union crafted this report to highlight the ways in which our flawed parole system fails to grant parole...
This new report from the National Juvenile Defender Center provides a detailed look at the unfortunate reality of minors being arrested, prosecuted...
The Center for Data Innovation produced this report highlighting the ways in which the education system in the U.S. lacks the effective...
This new report published in Pediatrics uses nationwide data to show a startling and disturbing rise in the percentage of adolescents experiencing...
The College Board takes a comprehensive look at the current trends in the price of higher education across the country, showing wide...
This new report from the National Institute of Justice and the Harvard Kennedy School summarizes the ways in which the nation's current...
New America asseses the current state of the cost, quality, and access to quality child care available in all 50 states. This...
This report from the Center for American Progress examines the current state of remedial education in universities around the country. Remedial education...
Commissioned by First Focus and authored by the Urban Institute, this new report details the recent changes in federal spending on children...