“The adults got more out of having the students speak at the conference than the kids themselves.” So said veteran community organizer...
My computer’s spell-check function automatically changes “underserved” to “undeserved.” I learned this the hard way, when I had to send a publication...
While the recent presidential election generated much heated discussion about the institution of marriage, the youth work field has quietly harnessed energy...
I have decided that from this moment on, I am going to stop feeding the beast. Whenever and wherever I speak about...
How far can you get in the kid-fixing biz by just making things up? All the way to institutional accolades, congressionally recognized...
The Washington Post, Sept. 30: Mayor Anthony Williams gleefully announces that Washington has won the competition to be the new home of...
What do Kenya, Liberia, Congo, Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Algeria, Iran, the Palestinian Territory and Saudi Arabia have in common?...
The July/August issue of Youth Today featured not one, but two lengthy stories on evaluation. The first, sharing the front page...
The recent report entitled “Reading at Risk” revealed that, for the first time in modern history, less than half of the adult...
Over the past five years, public scandals about the way young people are treated in America’s juvenile justice facilities have erupted in...
When Food and Drug Administration official Steven Galson recently blocked over-the-counter “Plan B” emergency contraception because he worried that 11- to...
The truth hurts sometimes, but it shouldn’t hurt the truth tellers. At least that’s what we’ve been led to believe. Not so...
Seventy thousand. That is roughly the number of words I have written for this column over the past 10 years. It seems...
The first time I visited Portland, Ore., some 12 years ago, I knew it was a cutting-edge kind of place. On the...
It seems at last that real youth work with teens is slowly making its way to the top of the agenda. Most...
Nothing enrages the zealots at the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) – especially Director John Walters – like a...
Consider this: In 2001, more young people declared bankruptcy than graduated from college. College administrators speculate that bad debt, not bad...
The foster care system is broken and needs substantial overhaul. That much is evident. It is also clear that most of the...
When did Carmen Martinez, director of the Oakland Public Library, become an ardent advocate for fully infusing youth in libraries? Was it...
Teaching Family Approach WorksT. Lindsay Joines Program Compliance/Crisis Management OfficerEliada Homes, Inc.Ashville, NC Your article on the Maryville Academy [March] … appears...