In response to the cover story in February [“Local Schools Give Youth Workers More Class”]: You noted that youth workers who enroll...
Your readers would have been well-served if your brief article on the RAND Corp.’s recent paper on afterschool programs (“Current-Generation Youth Programs:...
As president of the National Juvenile Court Services Association, I am concerned by recent press reports regarding the operations of the National...
Interest in after-school programs for high schoolers is growing around the country, and in many quarters. Several recent national conferences have focused...
Creating sound bites that are not only memorable but communicate a message is a passion of mine. Every now and then I...
Admit it: Most of us in the youth field owe our jobs to appalling government and institutional dereliction. The abject failure of...
A group of educators, advocates and donors has been meeting under the auspices of the Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy Group (YESG) to ponder...
Last year, I had my first experience with the federal Child and Family Services Review (CFSR), which many people in child welfare...
Nothing rankles me more than poverty and our American tradition of ignoring it. For kids, poverty is the ultimate risk factor. While...
Superintendents rock! I’ve never started a column like this before, certainly not one about school administrators – the people with whom youth...
“All evidence suggests that narcissism is more common in recent generations,” San Diego State University psychologist Jean Twenge declares in her popular,...
Everyone knows that reading is fundamental; we even have a national organization by that name. Yet a recent report from the National...
On the West Coast, we feel left out of the singular focus on the dearth of blacks in nonprofit leadership. [See “Wanted,...
The following is a response to the December story, “For Juvenile Justice, a Panel of One,” about grant awards by the U.S....
Embedded in the pages of the October Youth Today were two pieces that are worth revisiting so that they can be connected....
Note: This is a response to a guest column last month by Laurence Steinberg of Temple University, who accused Males of exaggerating...
The article in November regarding the work force crisis [“This Just In: Good Help is Hard to Find”] raises interesting points about...
I had been anxiously awaiting your article on the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform [November], as I have so much admiration...
By positioning the Boys Scouts of America’s attitude toward gay scout leaders as a “minority” opinion on “social mores,” and including Jen...
New figures reveal a disturbing combination we haven’t seen for 40 years: Teenage suicides, serious crimes and drug and alcohol deaths are...