I read with interest Jen Russell’s article, “School-Based Mentoring Needs a Friend” (June). Having received and administered one of these grants,...
Where is the bunker mentality, the hunker-down discipline, the emergency perspective, the feet-to-the-fire policy response to assisting youth-serving (and other) nonprofits in...
The simple act of placing legislators and homeless teens in the same room and allowing them to pick one another’s brain...
The following is in response to “States Approaching the GAP with Caution,” in Child Welfare Today at http://www.youthtoday.org. A version of that...
The article “To Hell and Back” [May] described how the venerated residential care program Berkshire Farm Center fell from its standing as...
***Connecticut a model of juvenile justice? It was pretty surprising to see that theme in the headlines of state newspapers last week....
On any given day, scores of young people with limited individual and social capital are simultaneously struggling to exit some systems...
What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility: a recognition on the part of every American that...
These are the best of times for youth-serving nonprofits – and the worst. On one hand, we’ve never had more public awareness...
I found several points to disagree with [Kay S.] Hymowitz in her column in the May issue (“Don’t Blame Abstinence Ed”),...
The following Web posting was about President Obama’s 2010 budget proposal. Until policymakers look at youth development, workforce development, K-20 education, violence...
***The biggest JJ news of the week was certainly the U.S. Supreme Court deciding to consider the constitutionality of life without parole...
The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) recently announced that births to teens in the United States had risen in 2007, for...
When U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan appeared on the “Charlie Rose Show” in mid-March, he outlined a vision for America’s public schools...
I am writing in regard to Jen Russell’s article, “Teen Births Rise Again – What Does It Mean?” in your April issue....
The comments below are some of the online responses to “Zero Tolerance Breeds Zero Justice,” published in Youth Today in April and...
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 contains good news about summer programs for disadvantaged young people preparing for jobs, higher...
Perhaps it’s inevitable with two wars and an economic crisis going on, but it is still disappointing that child welfare is not...
Every December, we hold a legislative open house in our drop-in center to which we invite Vermont legislators to come and learn...
Justin Reed EarlyAuthorHouse (self-published)289 pages. $19.99 ($15.99 paperback). Justin Early is a survivor. In his late 30s, an invitation to serve on...