In spite of 10 years of work, education and juvenile justice are still not being seen as an equal partners in jurisdictions...
In the U.S. we usually consider prisons and jails to be violent places, as if there were no alternative, but the conditions...
More than three months after sending an unconvicted transgender minor to an adult prison, Connecticut child welfare officials seem more concerned about...
For youth in detention (including post detention) the rate of completed suicide is two to four times higher, surpassing the rate of...
Evidence suggests that restorative practices produce superior results when compared to punitive and retributive systems, but those who support this philosophy need...
Most of the skills required to be a successful and competent youth worker are introduced on the job with the help of...
How many organizations do you know that have put themselves out of business — voluntarily? I am acquainted with some that folded...
The uproar between the left and right over “unaccompanied minors” and what to do about them is masking the long-standing role of...
I don’t like the phrase “restorative justice,” even though I use it often. Why? Too many people associate it only with the...
I made a decision this year in our after-school program, and, while I believe strongly in the rightness of that decision, I’ve...
One shining light in the effort to address all of these problems is a collaboration between the federal government, states and one...
A new study by the Youth Advocate Programs Policy and Advocacy Center (YAP) shows that it is indeed possible to keep youth...
“What DO black people do for a living? You know to earn money.” My heart sank as I listened to a vibrant,...
“The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.”
When someone is doing something we don’t like we often develop a view of them as an enemy, or at least someone...
“Progress, far from consisting of change, depends on retentiveness. ...Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Today’s young youth-work professionals have an advantage with the thriving discipline of neuroscience.
“The statistic is horrific. One in three children will be arrested by the time they are 23 and many of them will...
Today, practitioners describe the conditions of working in community youth organizations as stressful, overwhelming and impossible. Such conditions give rise to what...
When you show up to work today, whatever your job or task, remember that on this day you have the conscious opportunity...