We become boxed in. We give up hope. We may avoid the issue, become very anxious or become addicted to something. We...
As practicing lawyers inevitably learn, often two cases with very similar facts will be handled completely differently by two different judges —...
What is needed is an all-out attack on summer learning loss, one that affords poor children the opportunities available routinely to children...
My daughter is deathly afraid of police. When I was pulled over for rolling through a stop sign when she was about...
I would have been better off if I had known all this information while I was in the foster care system. I...
The Community Conferencing Center is receiving diversion referrals of young people arrested during the Baltimore unrest. It is important to provide those...
I’m on a mission to make sure my two kids have a competitive advantage — and fun. They won’t be too overscheduled,...
Those of us who have been there and survived, faced addiction head-on and emerged victorious on the other side have a unique...
As a youth worker, I’ve always felt more like the overlapping part of a Venn diagram rather than one of the neat...
We may be keeping children safe from physical harm, but are we paying attention to the impact on their brains, their mental...
My experience in teenage treatment was gained sitting as a patient. Not one of the programs, not one therapist or clinician, suggested...
In under-resourced households, one often has these three choices when it comes to dealing with an issue: flee, fight or flow. But...
Now, things have gone bad with my birth mom again. She’s off drugs, but she still screams abuse at me and dates...
I’m tired of everyone skirting around the issues of inequality and avoiding any kind of hazard that comes along with making a...
Economist and author Noreena Hertz created the name from that generation’s “Hunger Games” icon, Katniss Everdeen, after surveying 1,000 British and American...
While foster children’s well-being has long been a federally mandated objective, along with safety and permanency, it is the goal we are...
While some young fathers talk of the birth of their child as “the best day of my life,” others recall feelings of...
Research has shown that incarcerating status offenders can exacerbate their underlying problems, as they come in contact with more serious offenders, negatively...
It took me more than 10 years to ask a few simple questions: How can 56,000 unaccompanied minors experience homelessness each night...
Young people need to understand climate change, but all too often the climate change and green movement uses fear-based instruction.