Financial incentives matter. They matter in child welfare, too. Most of the discussion of financial incentives in child welfare deals with government...
There’s a crisis in California’s foster care system that few know about: child care.
The publisher of Youth Today, the Center for Sustainable Journalism, has had a long and meaningful relationship with our host institution in...
Adolescence is a critical time to prevent initiation of substance use, but unfortunately, adolescent substance use is typically only addressed once it...
The verdict is out: 20 years later, the only federal cash assistance program for low-income families desperately needs an overhaul.
The kids and parents we work with too often feel fear, anger and a diminished sense of self in their relationships with...
The national focus on Social Security’s benefits for seniors obscures its role as one of the largest antipoverty programs for children.
“I had no idea there were so many different types of engineering.” I hear this kind of statement from students every year....
If you are lucky, you come across someone in your career who provides an "unforgettable interruption" — someone who teaches you, someone...
One measure of how some schools’ priorities have changed is that, according to recent data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office...
At a recent national Out of School Time (OST) conference I attended, one participant proudly shared how her program was working on...
Very few things mattered to me, including my own life. It was not until I joined the college program of the juvenile...
For most of my early adult life I remained steadfastly uncertain about what my future held. I had a bachelor’s degree in...
Let’s talk about race. The mention of race stirs emotions that are usually not expressed for fear of the response.
In the late 1990s, there was a dispiriting sense that many disadvantaged young people were too difficult to work with, that they...
There’s good news and bad news in the report “Indicators of School Crime and Safety 2015,” the most recent in an annual...
Many educators view a new school year as an opportunity for improvement, a fresh start and a chance to reset, especially with...
According to my Facebook timeline, yet another fashion trend is on its way out. Fashion comes and goes, right? But none of...
When cases involving children needlessly torn from their families would arise in Texas — like this one and this one — advocates...
For three decades, I have listened in awe to the brave voices of children, youth and families who have shared, in anguish,...