The trauma-informed approach focuses on the same principle, and brings the neuroscience to understand the behaviors that restorative justice is looking to...
Abuse issues and safety remain a chief concern for youth service organizations. While youth service organizations have stepped up training and staff...
We all want to see numeric growth in our programs. Having more youth means our program can impact more lives, offer more...
This year, more than 90 percent of children attended public school in the United States. That staggering percentage represents 50 million elementary...
While immersed in child protection work, it never occurred to me that preventing delinquency was also a part of my job. When...
Earlier this year, we urged the Trump administration to continue federal investments in juvenile justice. In the last three decades, the field...
Stephon Stephens didn’t think he would get in. At 21, he was used to applying to jobs and programs that wouldn’t look...
Seven days of deadlocked jury deliberations in the sex abuse trial of a single foster father are over. Despite allegations that he...
We were going to use this space to rant against those elected officials who would vote to kill off Big Bird by...
Growing up in New York state’s foster care system in the 1980s, I was well aware of the plight of those who...
Journalist Daryl M. Khan is suing New York state court officers on charges of false arrest and malicious prosecution.
Growing up transgender is never easy. Trans youth face high rates of violence, with more than three-quarters of trans students feeling unsafe...
Researchers call it the “ninth grade bulge,” and it has nothing to do with weight gain among teenagers. Rather, the term refers...
The cover of the January 2017 issue of National Geographic was a first for the historic magazine, though at first glance it...
In the last issue of Youth Today, we took a stand against the haters who would divide us as one nation under...
Though none of us in the child health advocacy world asked for a restructuring of Medicaid funding, we are asking for continued...
In his first 100 days, President Trump followed through on several disturbing campaign promises — sparking chaos and fear and setting the...
We face grave dangers to social gains that have been hard won by social movements: the possibility of a so-called “religious freedom”...
A caring and compassionate adult can provide a strong, corrective emotional experience for a child by consistently showing them that they are...
As a queer Jewish teenager, I have the uncommon privilege of having relationships with people between 20 and 50 years older than...