We used to warn children of “stranger danger” to avoid assault, kidnappings and other horrendous acts. However, we failed them with this...
A comprehensive job description is a great first step when hiring a data analyst, but what often gets overlooked is the type...
A referral came in from a music teacher in our high school. The music department was preparing for the Winter Showcase and...
It’s no secret the foster care system is completely broken. Yet, there is a way to fix it.
The world is changing in dramatic ways. Technology, along with political, socioeconomic and environmental forces are reshaping how we live and work....
On April 11, 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum to all federal prosecutors along the southwest border of the United...
The other day, I was speaking with a friend who works in human resources. She was in the process of filling an...
I had the opportunity to work with a young girl named Aria last summer. While she was a little younger than the...
Like most children, I never realized the tremendous impact my father’s values and culture would have on me. My mother was mainly...
The Conversation The real danger of separating children from parents is not the psychological stress — it’s the biological time bomb. The...
“See, too, that girl of thirteen, weeping, yes! weeping, as she thinks of the mother from whom she has been torn!” —Frederick...
The weapon of incarceration that terrorizes black families has been turned against people from South and Central America who are fleeing unspeakable...
We’ve all been there: long day, long week, long month. And a youth in our program brings some challenging behavior to our...
As Oprah says, “A mentor is someone that allows you to see the hope inside yourself. A mentor is someone that allows...
Humans of Restorative Justice (HORJ) stories highlight the incredible individuals working to build and restore strong relationships in their communities. They are...
“Animals.” “Menace.” “Blood-stained killing fields.” These are all terms President Donald Trump used in a one-week period to describe undocumented immigrants, alleged...
At birth, the brain is the most underdeveloped organ in our body. It takes up until our mid-20s for our brains to...
After it happened, the beating, the arrest, the sudden violence on the way to school, the high school sophomore wasn’t the same.
Uncertainty is an unsung hero. It’s one thing we all share in different degrees. As a culture we don’t cherish uncertainty. We’re...
Responding to revelations by Tampa, Florida television station WFLA-TV, revelations that included foster children forced to spend their days, and sometimes nights,...